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Elena Aramendia

Farera | Lighthouse keeper

Illa Pancha, Ribadeo (Lugo)



O illamento e a soidade propias do traballo nos faros fixo que apenas percibise o impacto da crise sanitaria da covid na súa vida diaria. Vive no faro de San Cibrao e ocúpase tamén dos de Punta Roncadoira e Illa Pancha, sendo responsable actualmente dos sistemas de axuda á navegación na costa de Lugo.


Elena, unha madrileña moi galega, sacou con 26 anos a praza de mantemento de faros na zona norte de Galicia e desde 1986 dedica a súa vida profesional, e moita parte da persoal, a este oficio.


No tempo libre, viaxa por Galicia co seu marido, que vive en Valga, xa que o traballo no faro fai que só se vexan durante as fins de semana.


Elena, unha das últimas fareiras de Galicia, vive mirando ao mar e velando pola seguridade dos que o navegan, un camiño que marcou a súa profesión, moi masculinizada; e demostrando a súa capacidade para adaptarse aos novos tempos marcados pola dixitalización e a tecnoloxía.

Isolation and loneliness of working in the lighthouses meant that she barely perceived the impact of the covid health crisis on her daily life. She lives in the San Cibrao lighthouse and also takes care of those of Punta Roncadoira and Illa Pancha, being currently responsible for the navigation aid systems on the coast of Lugo.

Elena, a very Galician woman from Madrid, got a job as a lighthouse maintainer in the northern part of Galicia at the age of 26 and since 1986 has dedicated her professional life, and much of the staff, to this trade.

In her free time, she travels around Galicia with her husband, who lives in Valga, since the work at the lighthouse means that they only see each other during the weekends.

Elena, one of the last lighthouse keepers in Galicia, lives looking out to sea and ensuring the safety of those who sail in it, a path that marked her profession, which is very male dominated; and demonstrating her ability to adapt to the new times marked by digitisation and technology.


Textos: Patricia Villanueva | Tradución inglés: Karen Joan Duncan Barlow

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